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  • Writer's pictureShay Spencer

Featured Author [December 2017]

Hello again my avid readers! With the first of December comes the time to announce our final featured author of 2017!

For those who are unfamiliar, I have a monthly contest - one that includes the opportunity for all of my readers, both new and old, to be featured on my website, and multiple social media accounts!

That is why, with great pleasure, I am pleased to announce October's featured author, thewritingmusician!

For those who don't know, thewritingmusician is a relatively new Wattpad author, but has a world of experience under her belt.

Since starting on Wattpad four months ago she's written 3 books, that being her captivating teen fiction novel, Cupid's Song. Despite her short time on Wattpad, I for one, have to say that this musician has found her second calling. Cupid's Song will draw you in with it's incredible writing, and lovable characters; you won't want to stop reading!

I would suggest you all follow this incredible author so you too can follow along in her journey!

Over my short time getting to know this amazing author, I can tell you that she belongs on a site like Wattpad. Though I've only had the opportunity to read the first two parts of her book, I know that she has taken this chance in stride and will soon find the popularity that she deserves. Knowing that she splits her time between something so rewarding (and time consuming!) as marching band while also managing to keep up with her brilliant stories, is a feat in itself.

I would like to give a personal congratulations to this amazing author! You will be featured both here, and on my Wattpad!

For anyone that would like to get to know her better, check out the interview on my Wattpad, or down below!


SS: How long have you been on Wattpad?

TWM: I’ve only been on Wattpad for four months. My friend introduced me to it after I started writing Cupid’s Song.

SS: How long have you been writing?

TWM: I’ve been writing stories since I was in 3rd grade, and I just got hooked on letting my imagination run wild in a notebook.

SS: When did you first realize you wanted to write?

TWM: In 7th grade, I started writing fan fiction, aka Lorien’s Gift, and I started shared it with my friend who had also read the series. It just kind of kicked off from there.

SS: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

TWM: As my username states, I am a clarinet - that takes up most of my time among the competitions/practices in marching season and the solo events in the concert season. Other than that, I like to read books, watch Netflix, and hangout with friends.

SS: Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say when you do?

TWM: Usually, I don’t hear from readers much (even though I love to), but when I do it’s usually how much they relate to Valencia, the main character, and how much they love the sarcasm and the plot.

SS: What do you think makes a good story?

TWM: I believe a good story has an riveting and well-written plot, characters that you fall in love with, and great, suspenseful plot twist.

SS: How do you go about writing a chapter?

TWM: First, I always look at the list of details that I leave in the notes of my phone. Then I put on some good music from my writing playlist and free-write it. Once I finish free-writing, I come up with some sarcastic remarks, characterization, and good metaphors to add into the story. Lastly, I send it to a friend and ask what they think of it.

SS: What gives you inspiration?

TWM: Listening to music. L love listening to Hasley, Astrid S., Sabrina Carpenter, Camilia Cabello, and Bea Miller.

SS: Who influences your writing?

TWM: Definitely my band, my friends, and my band directors. I pull from their personalities to create characters sometimes, and some of the quotes in cupid’s song came out of their mouths.

SS: How would you describe yourself as a writer?

TWM: As a writer, I would say I’m pretty quirky and awkward. I based val to be a lot like what goes through my head during school, but she doesn’t have as much as a filter.

SS: What's your favorite genre to write under?

TWM: My favorite genre to write under is YA fantasy. I can just let my mind go wild while with YA realistic, I have to follow the rules of the world.

SS: What's one of your favorite stories on Wattpad?

TWM: My favorite story on Wattpad? Oh that’s tricky. There are a lot of great writers here on Wattpad but it would probably either The Prophecy of Phaoin by Fayereade or the Phantom Fire by Cygnianstories.

SS: And finally, what's one of your favorite stories you've written on Wattpad?

TWM: Oh goodness this is like choosing between your children. I love Cupid’s Song the most because of how dynamic the characters are and the suspense of everything. Also the relationships (I’m not meaning all romantically) between characters like Val and Grace or Val and Arthur are very interesting from a high school perspective is fun too. Plus, the plot twist at the end is really fun... :)


There you have it - our lovely featured author for December 2017! Check back next month for our next featured author!

And if you would like to enter, check out the contests book on my Wattpad profile for more information! The next featured author could be you...

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