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  • Writer's pictureShay Spencer

Featured Author [October 2018]

Hello everyone and thank you for your patience - because it's that time again! I'm so happy to announce that I've found our Featured Author's for September and October!

For those who are unfamiliar, I have a monthly contest - one that includes the opportunity for all of my readers, both new and old, to be featured on my website, and multiple social media accounts!

Now, with great pleasure, I am pleased to announce our featured author for September, Suzi (@Suzidebeer)!

For those who don't know, Suzi is an author who has taken the paranormal by storm, to say the least.

Since posting on Wattpad three years ago, she's written 9 books (by my count from the list on her profile page, including her rewrites!), the most popular being her sensational werewolf drama, Mated to Twins. This popular novel follows Alexi White's struggle, not only with family, but with her personal and professional life. After finding herself penniless and with no one to turn to, Alexi makes it her mission to turn herself around; and how better to do so than to interview with the most prestigious business in London. Only this isn't just another love-at-the-office story we've all come to love, our favorite love interests happen to be two handsome twin werewolves, one of which is Alexi's new boss. What could possibly go wrong?

Since getting to know Suzi, I can tell you that I have the upmost respect for her and her writing. From the looks of things, she's been through an interesting couple of weeks on the Wattpad front, and she's still been able to conquer the situation with her head held high. Her stories, and namely her writing, have only gotten better and better over the years that she's been online, and though her novel Mated to Twins is undergoing a rewrite, I would highly recommend that you all take the time to read Alexi's original story in MTT. Coming from someone who had a chance to read the intro's to both versions, I have to say there is an instant pull to the original (though I'm dying to see where the rewrite takes us!). I am also happy to relay that our very own FA for October has been approached by Inkitt (a payable online writing website similar to Wattpad), and I honestly can not think of an author that deserves the opportunity more!

I would like to give a personal congratulations to this amazing author! You will be featured both here, and on my Wattpad!

For anyone that would like to get to know Suzi better, check out the interview on my Wattpad, or down below!


SS: How long have you been on Wattpad?

S: I've been on Wattpad since June 2015 when one of my friends told me about it.

SS: How long have you been writing?

S: I started writing in middle school. Mostly for school but after that I started writing my own stories. Of course most of them were pretty short and had lots of mistakes in them. I was in seventh grade when I finished my first real book.

SS: When did you first realize you wanted to write?

S: After finishing my first book, I realized that I wanted to continue writing. I love to get lost in the life of the characters I created. Sometimes those days are better than reality.

SS: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

S: I like to draw. Sometimes I would just enjoy being outside in nature, or I'll play with my dogs. On weekends I like to spend time with my family members.

SS: Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say when you do?

S: Yes I do. Questions about the next chapter and sometimes complains about how the chapter or book ended. Then there's also the encouragement that they send my way whenever I need it.

SS: What do you think makes a good story?

S: Well... There has to be some commitment in it. If shouldn't just be written because the author feel like it. The book needs to instantly pull you in. You need to feel the emotions of every character. Each sense has to play in your mind as you read. Also some twist and turns that doesn't make it too predictable.

SS: How do you go about writing a chapter?

S: Sometimes I plan them and other times the words just come naturally. There are certain things that has to happen but the other parts are mostly me winging it.

SS: What gives you inspiration?

S: Life. I like to observe things and people around me. That's mostly where I get my idea's from. My readers and family are also my inspiration.

SS: Who influences your writing?

S: Mostly my readers but so if my favorite authors as well.

SS: How would you describe yourself as a writer?

S: Tough question. I'm adventurous in some aspects and cautious in others. I'm not as good as all the other amazing authors out there but I do try. I think I'm doing pretty good...

SS: What's your favorite genre to write under?

S: I like Romance, probably because I don't have much of it in my life (lol). Vampire is also something I like to write about.

SS: What's one of your favorite stories on Wattpad?

S: It's hard to choose just one. I've read a lot of books but if I had to choose I'd say it's Island Rush and Handcuffed by JadedViolet.

SS: And finally, what's one of your favorite stories you've written on Wattpad?

S: Let me think for a while... I love each and every one of my book that I've published here. But if I had to choose I'd say it's a tie between Mated to Twins and Married to Fangs.


There you have it - our fantastic featured author for October 2018! Head back over to the main Featured Page to check out the up and coming Featured List as well! Our fall list went up on August 13th!

And if you would like to enter, check out the contests book on my Wattpad profile for more information! The next featured author could be you...

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