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  • Writer's pictureShay Spencer

Featured Author [June 2017]

Hello again my avid readers! With the beginning of June comes the time to announce our sixth featured author of 2017!

For those who are unfamiliar, I have a monthly contest - one that includes the opportunity for all of my readers, both new and old, to be featured on my website, and multiple social media accounts! Funnily enough, this is the one year anniversary of our first featured author, Alice!

That is why, with great pleasure, I am pleased to announce June's featured author Skye!

For those who don't know, Skye is a teen fiction and science fiction author, one who I know has the talent to go places.

Over first year Wattpad, she's written a total of 2 books, her most popular at the moment being her novel, How Deep Is The Ocean?. Though this may be her most popular book, I would like to bring you attention to one of her more recent works, The Rain. This science fiction story hooks you from the first chapter, even if your not a science fiction reader. The plot is well thought out, there's plot twists at any given moment, and the main character is someone to root for.

I would definitely recommend this one to you guys.

Upon getting to know Skye over the last few months, I can tell you that she is not only an amazing aspiring author, but she has a wealth of other talents to boot. Through her writing she's found that the key to any story is the characters, and a protagonist is just as important as any antagonist. Skye has seen that it takes reading to become a good writer, and that is something she definitely is.

During her free time, I can assure you all that she is an incredible photographer. She knows which subjects will photograph the best, and how to incorporate her surroundings in each picture she takes.

I would like to give a personal congratulations to this amazing author! You will be featured both here, and on my Wattpad!

For anyone that would like to get to know her better, check out the interview on my Wattpad, or down below!


SS: How long have you been on Wattpad?

S: Officially, a year or so; but I knew about Wattpad beforehand from my sister.

SS: How long have you been writing?

S: That's a difficult question considering I have the memory of a goldfish...let's just say, a long time.

SS: When did you first realize you wanted to write?

S: I knew that I wanted to write when I read, it was just something that went with reading. I knew that I wanted to make people feel things.

SS: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

S: I love to read, listen to musicals (because I have the music taste of a soccer mom apparently); and perform, acting, singing, dancing, You name it, I love it.

SS: Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say when you do?

S: I don't hear from readers that often but when I do they usually say nice things but nothing specific.

SS: What do you think makes a good story?

S : To me a good story has to have a good protagonist and antagonist. Everything else is trivial. The protagonist needs to be complex and you have to want to root for them, plus they need to be tolerable enough that you're willing to spend time reading their story. Antagonists are just as important, the typical mustache twirling, evil laugh having villain is pretty dated so I like to read stories where they put effort into creating the same complexity for villains as for heroes.

SS: How do you go about writing a chapter?

S: Personally, I write on my phone so that whenever I get an idea I can just whip out my phone and start to write.

SS: What gives you inspiration?

S: I love to write when I'm traveling. There's something about being in a different place that makes me want to write.

SS: Who influences your writing?

S: Who? More like who doesn't! I'm influenced by everyone! Especially strangers! If someone has a specific look or something that stands out to me then they have a good chance of becoming the face of a character.

SS: How would you describe yourself as a writer?

S: *coughs uncomfortably* ...I don't know

SS: What's your favorite genre to write under?

S: Teen fiction for sure! It's easiest to me considering I am a teen and most of my interactions are with teens.

SS: What's one of your favorite stories on Wattpad?

S: Mr and Mrs accidental ;) (promo for Shay ;))

SS: And finally, what's one of your favorite stories you've written on Wattpad?

S: Probably the rain. It has a special place in my heart because I worked so hard on it and I met a very wonderful person through it who created all of my lovely covers.


There you have it - our lovely featured author for June of 2017! Check back next month for our next featured author!

And if you would like to enter, check out the contests book on my Wattpad profile for more information! The next featured author could be you...

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