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  • Writer's pictureShay Spencer

Featured Author [April 2017]

Hello again my avid readers! With the beginning of April comes the time to announce our fourth featured author of 2017!

For those who are unfamiliar, I have a monthly contest - one that includes the opportunity for all of my readers, both new and old, to be featured on my website, and multiple social media accounts!

That is why, with great pleasure, I am pleased to announce April's featured author Jess N.J. Tottenham!

For those who don't know, Jess is a fantasy author, and an amazing one at that.

Over nearly two years on Wattpad, she's written a total of 2 books, her most popular at the moment being her novel, The Golden Dress. I would highly suggest this one to all of you - and I'm usually not one for fantasy novels. This one will hook you with the romance between a princess / soon to be queen and her best friend, as well as the journey the two take to get the crown.

Upon getting to know Jess a little better, I can tell you that she is not only a sucker for a good romance, but she has an in-depth knowledge of writing that helps her along the way. She knows that a good plot is the key to an amazing novel, and she knows that like each person in our day to day lives, her characters must be different and unique to draw not only herself in, but her readers too. She is very dedicated creating something of worth, and I have no doubt that one day, you'll all be seeing copies of her books flying off the shelves!

I would like to give a personal congratulations to this amazing author! You will be featured both here, and on my Wattpad!

For anyone that would like to get to know her better, check out the interview on my Wattpad, or down below!


SS: How long have you been on Wattpad?

JT: Two years on the fifth of October.

SS: How long have you been writing?

JT: Since I was five or six; I wrote a small book about how I wanted a dog.

SS: When did you first realize you wanted to write?

JT: When I was nine, my year four teacher told me I was excellent with narrating, I've been writing novels since.

SS: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

JT: Watching TV, studying at TAFE, reading, singing, hanging out with friends, and aqua aerobics.

SS: Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say when you do?

JT: Normally, I find these comments hilarious. My readers end up in a conversation and I cannot stop laughing at some of the things they've said. I sometimes get feedback, and I always appreciate their time and effort to help me out.

SS: What do you think makes a good story?

JT : The plot always has to drag me into the story, if there is no plot, it drones on. A bit of a sense of humor definitely draws me back for more too, although it is not a necessity.

An example of a great plot-line is the two books from @HonorInTheRain's, 'In 27 Days', and it's sequel, 'Face Your Fears'.

SS: How do you go about writing a chapter?

JT: In my free time, I write in a notebook and when I have the chance, I type it up first in Google Drive for backup. Then, once I'm satisfied, I copy and paste it to Wattpad. It's just in case Wattpad doesn't save properly, at least I have my work saved!

SS: What gives you inspiration?

JT: I take in everything around me: music, television, and the outdoors gives me a feel of an idea for a story. Even looking at trees can help me get ideas for a forest or something like that.

SS: Who influences your writing?

JT: It depends on what genre I'm writing. I have my favorite authors like J.K. Rowling, C.S. Lewis, Agatha Christie, and a lot more.

SS: How would you describe yourself as a writer?

JT: While I write my characters out, I try to put them in perspective. Like, I try not to make them be stereotypical as it's wrong to categorize people.

SS: What's your favorite genre to write under?

JT: I write romance, but not all the stories I'm planning to write will be romance. I try to mix it up a bit. I do like a mystery thriller or fan-fiction.

SS: What's one of your favorite stories on Wattpad?

JT: I am still laughing at Jason's humor in 'My Wattpad Love' and it's sequel, 'Growing Up' by @cold_lady19.

SS: And finally, what's one of your favorite stories you've written on Wattpad?

JT: The Golden Dress. It was hard to write it at first, but I pushed through my writer's block and completed it last year. I'm very proud.


There you have it - our lovely featured author for April of 2017! Check back next month for our next featured author!

And if you would like to enter, check out the contests book on my Wattpad profile for more information! The next featured author could be you...

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