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  • Writer's pictureShay Spencer

Featured Author [July 2016]

Thank you all for checking back, because it's that time again! For those who are unfamiliar, I have started a contest - one that includes the opportunity for all of my readers, both new and old, to be featured on my website, and multiple social media accounts!

This contest has been named the featured author contest, and this is the second month it has been open!

That is why, with great pleasure, I am pleased to announce July's featured author, Chole (@chloe_mcnamara)!

For those who don't know her, Chloe is a fanfiction author for the Lab Rats fandom. Over her first year on Wattpad, she's written a total of two stories for Lab Rats, her most popular at the moment being her story, Stay.

Upon getting to know her better, I could immediately tell that she was dedicated and passionate about what she does. She see's writing as not only an escape and amazing pass time for herself, but for others as well. She wishes for her writing to reach others and for it to bring the viewers as much joy in reading as it brought her to write it.

I would like to give a personal congratulations to this amazing author! You will be featured both here, and on my website!

For anyone that would like to get to know her better, check out the interview on my Wattpad, or down below!


SS: How long have you been on Wattpad?

C: I've been on Wattpad for about a year.

SS: How long have you been writing?

C: I've been writing since I was in second grade.

SS: When did you first realize you wanted to write?

C: When I realized I really wanted to write was when I read fan-fictions and thought it'd be cool to try and write my own, and entertain others.

SS: What do you like to do when you're not writing?

C: When I'm not writing I like to either read, watch Netflix, or draw.

SS: Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say when you do?

C: Usually when I update and sometimes on my message board. It's usually saying something nice about my stories or asking when I might update.

SS: What do you think makes a good story?

C: I think quality is a key part of a good story. It doesn't matter in length, but rather the content of the story. If it flows together nicely, and makes sense. If they have good punctuation, but really I think quality and content is the most important, as well as the way the author expresses the characters.

SS: How do you go about writing a chapter?

C: Usually it takes some time, maybe over the course of a few days. I have an idea, but only one part of the chapter. When I get an idea that flows together with the last chapter or the part I had previously written, I finish. The ideas usually come in little sections.

SS: What gives you inspiration?

C: When I see a part of a TV show or movie, sometimes I take those ideas, but alter parts of them to make it my own, or if I have dreams that fit my story. Sometimes if someone is just talking, and they say sometimes I get inspired.

SS: What's one of your favorite stories on Wattpad?

C:One of my favorite stories is probably one by @sourstiles24 [on Wattpad] called Anchors. It's a Walking Dead fanfiction and I really think it has great character development and quality chapters.

SS: And finally, what's one of your favorite stories you've written on wattpad?

C:One of my favorites is Stay, since I really enjoy writing it. It has two of my favorite TV shows, which is why I enjoy it so much. It's fun And action-y, but it's also this sweet, and shows that the siblings really care for each other, which isn't shown that much in lab rats.


There you have it - our lovely featured author for July of 2016! Check back next month for our next featured author!

And if you would like to enter, check out the contests book on my Wattpad profile for more information! The next featured author could be you...

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