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  • Writer's pictureShay Spencer

Life Without The Internet (Yes I'm Back From The Dead!)

Ever since returning to this blog sometime last year, I've been looking at it in a very professional sense. Like I'm actually going to get paid for doing this all of a sudden. But today, I'm going to change my ways and just be straight with you guys - I did live my life without the internet for exactly 6 weeks... and it was pretty weird.

For those of you that follow my blog or my Wattpad for constant updates, I am indeed back online after a long few weeks away. For those of you that didn't notice and thought that I just gave up on writing - you're partially right! Without the internet I really didn't see the point in writing (namely because all my documents are saved online) so I took a small break from the hype of it all. Though I did occasionally write a paragraph or two for my upcoming YA Teen Fic, The Truth About Chance Dabney, the last thing I actually wrote was my post for the Wattpad Block Party back in January.

The blog post you're reading is my first attempt to come back to the land of the reading.

The internet shutting off came along with the end of a pretty intense few months for my family, and finding out that we would be 'roughing it' without access to the internet didn't really come as much of a surprise. We of course found ways around it (sitting in Burger King's parking lot very frequently helped us through it), but at home we were pretty much left to ourselves.

One of the best things about the month-and-a half-without the internet was my younger sister found a job (and incidentally got a boyfriend out of nowhere), while my mother and I tried our hand at delivering newspapers at the crack of dawn (needless to say, it didn't work out). It was a month of new endeavors and weirdly enough made me and my family understand not only the value of the internet, but the value of the library. My sister and I found out that they actually let you check-out DVD's? Had no idea. But I've been down there about ten times within the last three weeks. Pretty sure those guys know me by face now as most of them wave at me when I walk in. They've all safely assumed that I'll be renting out The Hundred season 2 for the fifth time, which is a fair assumption as that's apparently all that I want to watch.

I did however keep up with my email during my time away, and though I was unable to actually type anything back during my fleeting time with the online community, I appreciated every comment, private message, and everything else I received from you guys. It let me know that when I was able to come back (whether it was three days or three months from that moment) that you guys would still be there for me. I've got a busy couple of days (or weeks) ahead of me in trying to sort through my notifications, but I'm looking forward to it. Half the time I get social anxiety and can't force myself to even think about getting back with everyone - but this time around I'm dying to know how everyone's been doing.

With that being said, I have a small plan in place to help me get everything back on track. First of all, Featured Author needs to be taken care of. With me missing the announcement for two months (three as April's announcement is quickly approaching) I will have to upload three features at once. But, I'm slowly figuring out a way to make this dramatic turn of events a bit more exciting rather than leaving you all with the sense of 'she wanted to get it out of the way'. I really want every single featured author to feel special, and I'm honestly mad at myself for not being able to make sure that each of these three upcoming authors get a whole month to themselves, but I promise you guys will get some amazing prizes on top of the usual feature (I just need to figure them out).

Along with the usual Featured Author announcements, I will be doing a catch-up feature with none other than Skye! I've figured that instead of leaving the option open for the previously featured authors to re-enter, that I would do an interview with them regardless to help them in their writing careers (to the best of my abilities, of course!). So be looking forward to seeing how our featured author from June 2017 is doing!

Now - the matter that some of you find more important - my ongoing stories! At the moment, I have absolutely nothing written. But that's okay. I've had a lot of time to think over the last few weeks and I've decided that I'm going to push through the writer's block that I've had since mid-January. I always seem to get ahead of myself, thinking that you guys won't like the story/chapters that I'm working on at the moment, but that's never been the case. Though some of you were looking for more drama with the latest chapter of Something More, all reviews were positive. That's really all an author could want.

So when will these updates be coming?

I'm going to aim for the first week of April - this should give me time to work on a few multi-chapter updates for each of my stories to make up for all the time I've lost without the internet. Below I will list a temporary schedule (not written in stone, but I'll be aiming to accomplish it!): Something More - New Chapters up April 1st - 7th. (First Priority).

The Distance Theory - New Chapters up April 1st - 7th. (Second Priority)

Pennsylvania Minute (Something Real) - New Chapters up April 1st - 7th. (Tied for third honestly)

I Liked You Better on YouTube - New Chapters up April 1st - 7th. (Third Priority)

At this time, I will be taking a break as it's nearly 2 am my time, but I wanted everyone to know what my plan of attack was. Look forward to the first week (or maybe the first two weeks) of April for updates. Over these next few days, I'll be a bit busy selling things online (as my mother and I have decided that it's what we do best), while also carving out some time to get back with you all.

Thanks so much for you guys' patience, and I hope to talk with you all soon! And hey - shout-out to Kelly Anne Blount - sign up's for the next Wattpad Block Party are live! I'll finally have a chance to work on my new application, and you guys should too! It was one of the best experiences I've had and everyone was so friendly and supportive of one another! Hope to see you all there :D

Love you guys!

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