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  • Writer's pictureShay Spencer

Plans And Whatnot (Not So TOP-SECRET Update Info)

Also Posted Today: Left Unwritten (Would really appreciate if you checked it out!)

Ignoring the 'Super Secret Papers' folder in the pic above, this post is going to be my honest to goodness plan for getting back into writing. I thought I would share it all with you before I go and talk myself out of it again (six month hiatus, wow...).

I want to make one thing clear before I continue - I have every intention of continuing each and every one of my stories. The last time something like this happened, I canceled about three of my ongoing works and basically threw them in the trash. I am not planning to do that this time. There may be a few rewrites here and there - but otherwise, all stories will be finished!

There is no specific schedule at the moment, but I can promise all of the following WILL be updated before the Watty's close at the beginning of August.

THE DISTANCE THEORY is my top priority at the moment. In the past this series has always been the one to pull me out of a slump, and I'm already working on an outline for the upcoming chapters. Nothing will be rewritten or changed at this time, the only thing I'm working on is getting new chapters to everyone who has waited so patiently!

The plan? To release 5 NEW chapters of this book before the 1st of August.

SOMETHING MORE is tied for second as I'm planning a rewrite for Something Real. The rewrite will include both Scarlett and Hayden's point of views, so I'm going to start that off by rewriting the first few chapters of SM to adjust for adding in Hayden's POV.

The plan? To release 5 basically new chapters of this book before the 1st of August. Again, this book is second on the list, will most likely get out 2-3 chapters!

BETTER ON YOUTUBE is a freaking escape from all my serious drama filled chick-lit books, and though it is tied for second with SM, I'm going to work my a** off to get this puppy five new chapters before the start of August. I've got a general idea in my head of where I want to take it, and with this one, that's basically all I've ever needed. Get ready for more crazy Hanna moments everyone :)

The plan? To release 5 new chapters of this book before the 1st of August. Will update post if anything changes.

Guess the frick what? PENNSYLVANIA MINUTE will be receiving updates in a new booklet that will be posted to my profile either before the deadline, or after. This booklet will include chapters from Pennsylvania Minute, those from Massachusetts Dreaming (Scarlett's POV of the 5 year time-skip), as well as chapters from Wren's unnamed mini-book (she's got some secrets too people).

The plan? To release the booklet following the Watty's deadline (though don't be surprised if I pull a fast one and release it early).

After The Watty's Deadline?

BROKEN PARADISE/TIDES is on the back-burner at the moment, I quite legitamately have not stopped going back and forth on whether to stop and restart, or to keep going. At the moment? I'm leaning towards simply continuing and working through whatever writer's block it brings me. But for now, no new chapters will be released.

The plan? To release new chapters following the Watty's Deadline!

THE TRUTH ABOUT CHANCE DABNEY people, he will be a force to be reckoned with. I've got about a chapter of this bad boy romance done at the present (this one in particular will be a southern romance, following two outcasts during their senior year, and finding out why CD disappeared three years ago...). I've probably never put this much work into pre-planning a book IN MY ENTIRE LIFE, so get ready for this one guys.

The plan? To release new chapters following the Watty's Deadline! (Probably around September as to give time for me to catch up on other updates!)

Last but most certainly not least in this category, Axel Reynolds and Co. will be coming to a Wattpad library near you in GENTLEMEN'S GUIDE TO WINGMEN! Similar to SR's new chapter arrangement, we will be hearing all about Axel and Josie's escapades from both the characters. I am very much looking forward to what everyone has to say about this new group of friends (think New Girl but weirdly classy and high end).

The plan? To release new chapters following the Watty's Deadline!


Corner of BOURBON & BEIGNET may sound new and fancy, but this particular story is coming basically back from the dead. Say hello to the new and improved Love at Mission Creek Mall! I've reset the story so it will be taking place in New Orleans (as I'm utterly obsessed with the place). Nothing has been written yet, but the early planning stages are going great. Faye (our new Bree), and Eugene (Chase), hope to see you soon!

The plan? To release new chapters following the first of 2019!

Also on the revival train? Say hello to SEX SELLS INC., our utterly fantastic revamping of More Than His Assistant! Names have been put to faces, and though the tech company we all knew and loved has made it's timely exit, we will now be following our leading couple as they run a Cosmopolitan turned Play-Boy like magazine. Though our protagonist/assistant, Serenity, has a few things to say about the mag's new approach, our CEO, Arien, is sure to get her to go along with his plan. Hope you all like where this book is headed!

The plan? To release new chapters following the Watty's Deadline! (Probably around November as to give time for me to catch up on other updates!)


Thank you all for checking out the blog!

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